YouTube Playlist Reader

This player will read a playlist created on YouTube and will play the videos in a custom player with a custom list.
Posted by Scripts on 2022-08-17 10:12:08
License Type
License Type
Commercial License
USD 17
The HTML parameters are: * playlist = the YouTube playlist ID * player_x = video screen location on the X axes * player_y = video screen location on the Y axes * player_width = video screen width (in pixels) * player_height = video screen height (in pixels) * controls_fade_time = controls fade out time (in seconds). * controls_width = controls bar width (in pixels) * autoplay = true or false * use_volume_cookie = true if you want to remember the volume value for the next visit, false if not. * suggested_quality = can be set to: small, medium, large, hd720, hd1080 * list_item_color = hexadecimal color for the list items * list_selected_item_color = hexadecimal color for the playing list item * list_x = list location on the X axes * list_y = list location on the Y axes * list_width = list width (in pixels) * list_height = list height (in pixels)


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License Type
License Type
Commercial License
USD 17