WS Subscription

Create paid recurring subscription to your phpnuke website using paypal and other payment methods.
Posted by Scripts on 2022-08-14 20:23:30
License Type
License Type
Commercial License
USD 59
WS Subscription is the latest release in the line of advanced phpnuke user management. The subscription module uses PayPal and soon to be release payment modules like 2CheckOut and Google Checkout to protect content. WS Subscription gives more control to the webmaster, maximizing profits with advanced record checking and subscription recovery. Features Full Paypal Recurring Subscription. Create multiple subscription plans. WS Groups for better user management. Ajax user search. Multiple payments (2Checkout and Google checkout NOT included.) Create unlimited coupons. You can set how many times the coupons can be used. Add/Minus time from subscribers. Add/Minus time to all subscribers at once. Recovery subscription if for some reason the user is not returned to the website after payment. Allow new user to signup when subscribing. Send email to member on successfull payment. Much more...


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License Type
License Type
Commercial License
USD 59