Display Keyword Targeted Contextual Amazon Clickbank and Ebay Ads on WordPress Posts – Automatically! WordPress Adsensor – WPAdsensor shows your Amazon, ClickBank and Ebay affiliate ads based on the Keywords of Your Posts.
WordPress Adsensor – WPAdsensor shows your Amazon, ClickBank and Ebay affiliate ads based on the Keywords of Your Posts and displays only relevant or Targeted Affiliate Ads. This is accomplished by adding tags on your posts and ads are displayed based on the Tag Keywords. You can also choose Amazon or Clickbank or Ebay ads to show or any one or two by ticking only required ads. All you have to do is to install this plug-in into your WordPress site as an admin (which you already are), and then you need to make some choices. You can add affiliate ads for: * ClickBank™ * Amazon™ * eBay™ These high-powered ads generate the best results and the most clicks when users are on the site.