
GST processing errors are extremely common and most finance professionals know this. VatLab is a leading Software as a Service provider for the GST industry, helping companies recover millions in lost revenue.

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How VatLab works

A simple, minimally disruptive process

Provide VatLab with accounting data

Simple data export from your accounting systems, going back up to 5 years, assisted by our specialists.

VatLab performs a line-by-line analysis of every transaction

Highly-specialised software and GST experts work in tandem to identify anomalous transactions. This happens offsite, with zero disruption to your business.

VatLab requests tax invoices

We streamline document retrieval to ensure minimal disruption to your operations. Tax invoices are matched to potential GST claims and reviewed by a GST expert.

Claims are shared with you via the VatLab dashboard

View claims and matching tax invoices, and approve / reject via our dashboard. Chat to one of our GST experts at any time regarding the claims. When you're ready, export the results and submit in your next BAS. We charge a percentage of the refund that you receive - no flat fees.

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Your accounting department

Augment your internal finance department and audit teams with a powerful, highly specialised tool. We have software tailored to and experts trained for this highly complex task - we can provide you with reassurance that your accounting department is handling GST correctly.

Big 4 accounting firms

Our focused data analysis is the perfect complement to their broad offerings. Think of us not as an alternative, but as an essential addition - AND VatLab.

Other profit recovery services

Sources of GST errors are too numerous and complex to tackle comprehensively with a single service. We complement any other services you may be using with a laser-focused analysis methodology.

Why VatLab

Our effectiveness, quantified

transactions analysed
tax invoices processed
savings identified
success in identifying errors


We place emphasis on total transparency in the handling of your sensitive data. Through our dashboard you have real-time insights into how your data is being handled, where it is being stored, who is accessing it and when.

VatLab deploys robust measures to ensure your data is never accessed by unauthorized individuals, including AWS-hosted physical security, AES-256 encryption at rest, strong in-transit encryption, as well as other industry-standard security best-practices.

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