Camera Window Component

Camera window compoent for macromedia flash.
Posted by Scripts on 2022-08-16 18:43:01
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Camera window is a flash component that allows you to add a window containing your web cam playback in your flash document. Installation: the file is distributed in the standard macromedia exchange file (*.mxp file). To install this flash component you need macromedia extension manager which you can download for free from, after you buy and receive the *.mxp file: -open extension manger, select your flash version from the drop down menu, -click "File>install extension", browse to the directory where camera window.mxp is saved, select it and click "open" follow the instructions. Configuration: Now the camera window component is installed, open flash and click on "window>component s", from the components panel select "camera window>normal window" and drag it in your flash movie if you want to set the resolution the window will use select the camera window from the stage, right click on it and select "Properties", in the properties window select the "paramet


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