Animus Flash Tell-A-Friend

This software lets you quickly and easily add a small Flash application to your web site that will let your visitors tell their friends about your web site. It is extremely easy to install and use, and has features built in to prevent abuse.
Posted by Scripts on 2022-08-14 20:33:06
License Type
License Type
Commercial License
USD 24.99
License Type
This program uses Flash and PHP to make it easy for people to tell their friends about your web site. Once installed, which only takes a few minutes, you can put a small Flash movie on any page that you control which will generate a form asking people to tell their friends about your site. People trust their friend's recommendations more than advertising, but getting people to actually tell their friends about your web site can be difficult. This software makes it extremely easy for them to do so, increasing your traffic.


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License Type
License Type
Commercial License
USD 24.99
License Type