Ajax Search Suggest for OsCommerce

This small contribution will add a nice pop-out Google Suggest like box to your usual search box
Posted by Scripts on 2022-08-14 21:00:32
License Type
License Type
Commercial License
USD 25
This small contribution will add a nice pop-out Google Suggest like box to your usual search box of your OsCommerce store. Why should you use our ‘Search suggest’ feature among others? * Search is performed while customer types in the product using first letters * The customers typing will be ‘auto-completed’ with symbols of the first founded occurrence * The first found letter occurrences will be highlighted with bold * The dropdown pop-out is scrollable but only if search match exceeds the pop-out window * Key recognition is available, press up, down or ‘enter’ inside the suggest dropdown * Multi language support * Works in all modern browsers


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License Type
License Type
Commercial License
USD 25