Advanced News Reader 01

Awesome news reader, easy to customize and implement, infinite items, tons of options, a must-see !
Posted by Scripts on 2022-08-15 03:24:14
License Type
License Type
Commercial License
USD 15
This is a wonderful news reader which can be used embedded into another project ( drag and drop onto the stage, copy the library items and the source files ) or you can use it as it is. You can customize from the xml the following variables: - the big news field's width and height and the stroke size - the image stroke size - the html field width - the news list items x position - the news list width - you can modify the up or bottom number of items to display - the title - the date - the picture's address - you can toggle on/off launching the url for the picture and for the button - you can change the button's text - you can change the url and target Enjoy this new release from OXYLUS Flash.


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License Type
License Type
Commercial License
USD 15