Adds a powerful custom site search that runs on your very own website. It is FREE for small sites. NO advertising. Easy to use, requires no complicated server-side setup. It can also create search engines for Intranets, CD-ROMs and DVDs. Highly-optimized, Zoom handles up to 300 queries a minute and searches 1000s of domains in a single index without the need for an external database backend. The Enterprise Edition indexes up to around a million pages! Features: Wildcard & Exact Phrase searching, Google-like context results, Highlighting, Spelling/Synonym Suggestions, exclusion searches, Image Thumbnail results, prioritized links, incremental indexing, content filtering, Broken Link Detection, A9/OpenSearch compatible, XML/RSS, Sitemaps, international languages, search statistic graphs & reports. Zoom can run on PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, JavaScript or CGI platforms. Plugin support allows you to search most common file types including PDF, DOC, XLS, PPT, SWF, and many more.