Professional XML Web Services

Book on how to create, register, and deploy web services.
Posted by Scripts on 2022-08-14 20:51:19
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E-business is driving the merging of web, IT and object technologies to form the foundations of a new architecture, Web Services. This classic Wrox compendium covers the broad spectrum of XML based technologies that will be used in Web Services and is for anyone involved in developing commercial business-oriented distributed applications. Topics covered: This book covers: The architecture of Web Services - past, present, and future; Detailed explanation of SOAP 1.1; An overview of SOAP 1.2 and XML Protocol; IBM's Web Services Toolkit and Microsoft's SOAP toolkit 2.0; Other SOAP implementations in Perl, C++, and PHP; Java Web Services with Apache SOAP; WSDL 1.1, UDDI 1.0, and 2.0; Creating and deploying Web Services using .Net; Building Web Services using Python; and Applying security at both transport and application levels.


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