
A full featured, completely automated, high quality Essay/Resume Editing System
Posted by Scripts on 2022-08-15 08:40:50
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Commercial License
USD 599.95
A full featured, completely automated, high quality Essay/Resume editing and DocumentFlow solution. Although it was originally designed for essays and resumes it works great with virtually any type of documents that you need to maintain control of. phpEssayEditing is the perfect DocumentFlow solution for educational, governmental, public organizations or anyone wanting to provide document editing services (revision and critique). phpEssayEditing allows you to offer this service in chargeable or free-of-charge formats. Features include Unique Invoice number for each Order per user session; Unlimited Essays/Documents for Uploading; Essay/Document word count button; Exception of an opportunity to continue without fullfillment of the obligatory fields Prevention of the Repeated Records during


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License Type
License Type
Commercial License
USD 599.95