An online test engine designed to upload and import Trandumper-formatted tests (basically test questions written in a simple text file), convert them to XML, and run the tests online. Using professionally developed scripts, osQuest5 updates osQuest4 and provides features including: - multiple choice (radio button 6 answers) - multiple correct answers (check box) - fill-in-the-blank questions Also supports multiple modes of operation: 1) test mode 2) Learning mode, and 3) Flash Card mode. The main goal of the project was to allow users to easily create their own test, upload the test, and take the test online. The tests can be user created, or one of the many Trandumper formatted tests available online could be used. The scripts handle most Trandumper v 2.0 files. To this point, osQuest4/5 has had over $500.00 spent on its development. Published under the AGPL!