Colibris - web-based library management software

Colibris is online management software for libraries or knowledge centres in schools and companies
Posted by Scripts on 2022-08-15 02:21:13
License Type
License Type
Commercial License
Colibris* is web-based software for the management of libraries, knwoledge centres or documentation centres in schools, companies, museum or other organisations. Colibris* allows you to manage your collection of books, magazine articles, cd's, video's, dvd's, software and web links in a professional and flexible way. Since it is web-based, you can allow anyone to access it from anywhere. Colibris* includes collection management, user management, loan management (including the possibility to use barcode scanners), online reservations, web links management, tools for creating PDF reports (list of items, users...), a flexible search engine, import functions for Excel, Access, SQL, XML... The software is multi-language (English, Spanish, French, Dutch). Colibris* can be customized to meet your specific requests.


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License Type
License Type
Commercial License